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British Columbia Tech Pilot

Updated: March 7th, 2023

The Immigration Programs Division of the Government of British Columbia oversees the BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP), an economic immigration scheme.

The province can choose and nominate foreign workers, students, and entrepreneurs  through the program in order to support government objectives, fill labor market gaps, and expand the province's economy. You and your family can submit to IRCC to become permanent residents of Canada if you are nominated.

What is the B.C. Tech Pilot?

What is the B.C. Tech Pilot?

Since its debut in May 2017, BC PNP Tech has assisted more than 6,000 tech professionals in being recommended for permanent residence. BC PNP Tech works to make sure the province of British Columbia can continue to draw in and hold onto the talent required to support and expand the technology industry there.

BC uses targeted draws to ensure the labour needed is met. In the first half of January 2023 alone, A total of 123 candidates across a Targeted draw: Tech – with ITAs being issued to Skilled and International Graduates

Each year, B.C. is given a predetermined amount of nominations. The BC PNP is managed in a way that maintains alignment with the StrongerBC Economic Plan, maintains program integrity, and supports qualified applicants for success. Strategic objectives and initiatives help to ensure this.

When local skilled workers are not accessible, BC PNP Tech allows B.C. tech employers to continue hiring and retaining international talent in tech occupations. This program opens up a route to permanent residence for in-demand foreign workers and international students, allowing them to contribute to expanding our economy and creating fulfilling lives in British Columbia.

How Does the B.C. PNP Tech Pilot Work?

How Does the B.C. PNP Tech Pilot Work?

The B.C. Tech Pilot offers permanent residency in Canada to people in these different tech occupations. You will have to know the NOC code  of your occupation based on the new TEER system. 

B.C. Tech Pilot Qualifying Occupations
NOC Code Occupations
10030 Telecommunication carriers managers
20012 Computer and information systems managers
21100 Physicists and astronomers
21210 Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries
21211 Data scientists
21220 Cybersecurity specialists
21221 Business systems specialists
21222 Information systems specialists
21223 Database analysts and data administrators
21230 Computer systems developers and programmers
21231 Software engineers and designers
21232 Software developers and programmers
221234 Web developers and programmers
21233 Web developers
21300 Civil engineers
21301 Mechanical engineers
21310 Electrical and electronics engineers
21311 Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)
21320 Chemical engineers
21399 Other professional engineers
22110 Biological technologists and technicians
22220 Computer network and web technicians
22221 User support technicians
22222 Information systems testing technicians
22310 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians
22312 Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics
50011 Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
51111 Authors and writers (except technical)
51112 Technical writers
51120 Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations
52119 Other technical and co-ordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
52112 Broadcast technicians
52113 Audio and video recording technicians
52120 Graphic designers and illustrators
53111 Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators

B.C. PNP Tech Pilot Features

B.C. PNP Tech Pilot Features

The B.C. PNP Tech Pilot applications are processed based on the following factors:

  1. Service
  2. Timelessness
  3. Prioritization
  4. Engagement

These features are based on the needs of the industry.


  • A dedicated B.C. PNP Tech Pilot attendant for tech employers provides information suited to your needs as well as
  • Navigation assistance for immigration programs and processes


  • Qualified skilled tech workers are issued weekly invitations to apply for the B.C. PNP Tech
  • This decreases the wait for employers and potential employees


  • B.C. PNP Tech Pilot applicants are treated as a priority during processing in order to meet the tech sector’s fast-paced demands


  • Tech sector employers receive continuous support through engagement activities and by participating in important industry events

Who is Eligible For B.C. PNP Tech Pilot Occupations?

Who is Eligible For B.C. PNP Tech Pilot Occupations?

Skilled workers with in-demand tech occupations qualify to apply for the B.C. PNP Tech Pilot.

If you apply for the pilot with a valid job offer that is included in the list of the eligible occupations, the job offer must:

  • Be valid for at least 1 year
  • Have at least 120 days remaining when you apply to the B.C. PNP

How Do You Apply for the B.C. PNP Tech Pilot?

How Do You Apply for the B.C. PNP Tech Pilot?

If you wish to apply for this British Columbia PNP Tech Pilot, your employer must register to be considered for the pilot. The registration process is free and includes providing information about your company as the supporting B.C. employer.

Weekly invitations are issued to qualified registrants who have a valid job offer in one of the tech occupations.

In order to receive an invitation to apply, both you and your employer need to make sure that you meet all the program requirements when you register. Although meeting the requirements is necessary to apply, it doesn’t guarantee that you will be invited to apply.

Applications for the required occupations are prioritized. Once you submit your complete application, your file will be assigned to a dedicated processing team within one day.

The processing time for B.C. PNP Tech applications is generally no longer than two to three months.

How Can We Help You

If you qualify for the British Columbia Tech Pilot, don’t let this opportunity pass you by. But wait, there’s more good news. Not only do you stand a chance of immigrating to Canada through this exciting pilot, but your visa application process can be made easier if you allow one of our RCICs to guide you through the application process so you have a better chance of being successful.



How Long Does it Take to Get BC Tech Response?

Processing of the BC PNP registration will take 1-2 months. Depending on where the application is submitted, work permit requirements will change. Visa applications must be made at a Canadian Embassy abroad by citizens of nations that require visas. Each consulate has its own procedure, which can take seven to sixty days.

Can I Apply for BC PNP Tech from Outside Canada?

Yes, you may. If you meet the occupations requirement you may apply for BC PNP Tech from outside Canada through an online portal.

What CRS Score is Required for BC PNP Tech?

The minimum CRS score needed for BC PNP is 85 points out of 100.