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Religious Rights

Updated: December 18th, 2022

Irrespective of your religious beliefs and practices and wherever you go in the world, you want to ensure that you have religious freedom and that the country's law protects your religious rights - Canada is the embodiment of this notion.

Religious freedom in Canada is taken very seriously, and any infringement upon this fundamental human right will be taken to task. Immense value is placed on religious freedom in Canada to ensure that people from all walks of life are protected and treated with respect and dignity.

Read further as we unfold religious freedom in Canada, religious rights and protection of religious rights in Canada, overall religion in Canada and current in-demand religious jobs in Canada.

What are Religious Rights In Canada?

Religious rights in Canada is the freedom of any person, regardless of their beliefs or practice, race and ethnicity, preserving the right to practice and execute their religion freely without fear and discrimination.

Freedom and the right to religion in Canada are enshrined in the Constitution Act of 1982, outlined in Part 1 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In addition, the Canadian Government highly values religious rights in Canada, so much so that it forms part of the Fundamental Freedoms of human rights in Canada.

For now, let's take a closer look at this.

How is Religious Freedom Protected in Canada?

To be able to have the right to practice your religion freely means having the freedom to do so. To ensure that no one is deprived of this, the Canadian Government has formed religious rights and freedom as part of the Fundamental Freedoms under the section of the "Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms in Canada."

According to the official Canadian Government website, freedom of religion can be defined as:

the right to entertain such religious beliefs as a person chooses, the right to declare religious beliefs openly and without fear of hindrance or reprisal, and the right to manifest religious belief by worship and practise or by teaching and dissemination.

Subject to reasonable limitations, these freedoms should be within the boundaries of Canadian law to prevent incitement, religiously motivated hate speech or harm to others. Then, these fundamental freedoms can be practiced in a free democratic society.

To protect religious freedom in Canada, the Fundamental Freedoms reads as follows, according to the official Justice Laws website of the Canadian Government:

Fundamental freedoms

Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

  1. (a) freedom of conscience and religion;
  2. (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
  3. (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
  4. (d) freedom of association.

Under section 2(a) of the Constitution, while a fine line exists between "freedom of conscience" and "freedom of religion," the two aspects can be distinguished. According to the Canadian Government, the court views freedom of conscience in broader terms. It aims to protect "strongly held moral ideas of right and wrong" that are not necessarily present within any other religious principles.

As you can see, the Constitution guarantees the above rights and freedoms in Canada. Suffice it to say that "freedom of conscience and religion" is the first fundamental human right. These fundamental rights are set out to protect individuals should there be any infringement upon these human rights in Canada.

Religious Discrimination in Canada

Religious discrimination can be defined as individuals, religious groups or organizations being denied the right to practice and execute their religion freely based on their religious character, ethnicity, beliefs, practices and other discriminatory factors such as outright racism.

However, just because Canada has put measures in place to prevent this, by the Canadian Constitution aimed to preserve human rights in Canada, doesn't imply that acts of religious discrimination will not occur.

Unless religion hinders the rights, safety and health of others, you have the right to observe and practice your religion in Canada freely. Like in any other country, individuals act independently regardless of the law. Still, we can find comfort in knowing that matters will be addressed and dealt with according to Canadian law should there be any infringement of religious rights or overall human rights in Canada.

The Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC), aims to investigate acts or cases of discrimination and other violations of general human rights in Canada. If you believe you have experienced discrimination, you can contact the CHRC to complain.

Religious Jobs in Canada

Is your line of work in the religious sector? If so, and you're considering immigrating to Canada but concerned about whether or not your skill set is high in demand, don't despair. Based on the labour market trends displayed by Canada Job Bank, here are some of the current active in-demand religious jobs in Canada with salaries:

Religious Education Worker

Salary: $20.00 hourly for 35 hours per week

Animator - Spiritual Guidance

Salary: $26.22 to 43.49 hourly


Salary: 18.50 hourly for 147 hours per month

Church Worker

Salary: $15.00 hourly for 37.5 hours per week

Religious Superior - Religious Community

Salary: $30.00 hourly for 40 hours per week


The above mentioned jobs may no longer be available by the time you apply. However, you can explore the resource on Canada's latest available religious jobs with Canada Job Bank here.

Furthermore, if you're unsure about the application process from abroad, speak to our immigration experts, who can advise on a suitable program and curate your resume based on Canadian standards.


Our immigration does not guarantee you a job but can maximize your chances of landing a job successfully through the proper advice and preparation.

Immigration Options

When immigrating, you want to ensure you have a plan. One of the best ways to ensure this is to first secure a job in Canada and start seeking assistance for suitable immigration programs for you and your family.

Below we list some of the most popular immigration pathways:

The Express Entry System

The system is a well-renowned online point-driven system that aims to yield quick immigration results, making it so popular. The system comprises three highly accommodating immigration streams, which enable permanent residence. These are:

Learn more about Express Entry and how to create an Express Entry profile here.

The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)

This pathway is a province-driven program where applicants with the right skills, education and work experience can apply once they secure a job offer in a province. When applying, it is advised to target in-demand occupations and a province that falls short of your skills.

Below is a map with the most in-demand jobs in each Canadian province:

In addition, you may require a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from your employer. Learn more about our easy LMIA guide.

Permanent Residence in Canada: The Application Process

Below, we give you a breakdown of the application process. Remember, different Canadian provinces may be subject to different procedures since the criteria may vary when applying for a job and permanent residence. However, all Express Entry-based immigration programs include these standardized steps below:

  • Step 1: Check if you are eligible and meet the program criteria for the job requirements and the program itself. You can do this by taking our eligibility assessment.
  • Step 2: Check your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS)Score under the Express Entry system or other points-driven programs.
  • Step 3: Gather your documents in advance, as some may take longer than others. Have them ready when you apply.
  • Step 4: Create your online Express Entry profile and ensure you earn enough points in the Express Entry to receive an Invitation To Apply (ITA).
  • Step 5: With the help of an immigration expert, apply to the most suitable immigration program, pay the application fees and submit your application.

You may be interested in learning more about the top three ways you can apply for permanent residency.

Additionally, feel free to explore our resource on the IRCC processing times and what to expect after you submit your application.

Note: We urge applicants to remain honest and accurate in the information they provide. If applicants are suspected of dishonesty, their applications will either be rejected or returned to them. Additionally, if their applications lack completeness and thoroughness, this will cause a delay in processing times.

Religion In Canada Explained

We have provided you with the necessary ins and outs about religious rights in Canada, religious freedom and how these rights are protected. Canada is a multidimensional country that is flexible and accommodating towards people from all walks of life.

Start your immigration process and contact our immigration experts today to assist and guide you through your journey.


What are the Five Fundamental Freedoms in Canada?

  • (a) freedom of conscience and religion;
  • (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
  • (c) freedom of peaceful assembly, and
  • (d) freedom of association.

How is Religious Freedom Protected in Canada?

Canada protects and preserves religious freedom through the Canadian Human Rights Act, which protects people from discrimination.

What is the Second Popular Religion?

Islam is the second most widely practised religion, according to Britannica.