English Literacy Development

If you struggle to speak English as your first or second language in Canada, you will need to improve your basic reading and writing skills through the English Literacy Development Program.

The reality is that many immigrants worldwide cannot speak English or French when they first arrive in Canada. Therefore, you must spend time on this crucial skill as it will assist you in settling into a new country.

You can find information about these lessons on your local school website, bulletin board in your local library, or community information centre.

Canada’s Two Official Languages: English and French

Canada’s Two Official Languages: English and French

Canada is known for its multiculturalism and diversity, and one of the unique aspects of the country is its two official languages: English and French. According to 2020’s language statistics, 75.5% of Canadians speak English as their first language, while 21.4% speak French.

Only 63.8% of Canadians predominantly speak English at home, while 19.2% predominantly speak French. This means that many Canadians who speak English or French as their first language may also speak another at home. In fact, nearly 7 in 10 Canadians whose mother tongue is neither English nor French speak one of the two official languages at home.

Canada's commitment to bilingualism is reflected in its government, where both English and French are used in official documents and proceedings. In addition, many businesses and organizations across the country offer services in both languages to accommodate Canada's diverse population.

French is particularly strong in Quebec, where it is the primary language of the province. However, there are also significant Francophone populations in other provinces, such as New Brunswick and Ontario.

Canada's two official languages are important to the country's identity and culture. Whether traveling to Montreal or Vancouver, you're likely to encounter English and French in various contexts. Embracing and celebrating linguistic diversity is just one of the many things that makes Canada such a unique and vibrant country.

Learning a Canadian Language

Learning a Canadian Language

Canada is a diverse and multicultural country, and learning one of its official languages - English or French - can be an exciting and rewarding experience for foreigners. Whether you're coming to Canada for work, study, or travel, having a basic understanding of the local language can help you navigate daily life and connect with the local culture. Whether you're looking to improve your language skills for personal or professional reasons, Canada offers a wealth of resources and opportunities to help you succeed.

Taking A Language Exam

Taking A Language Exam

Before you can work, study or immigrate to Canada, you need to prove your language proficiency in English or French.

The Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) is a standardized system used to measure and describe the English language proficiency of adult immigrants in Canada. It is a comprehensive tool that assesses language skills across four competencies: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The CLB is widely recognized and used by immigration authorities, employers, and educational institutions across Canada as a benchmark for language proficiency. Particularly for the Express Entry system, your CLB points can make a difference in your chances of immigration. With higher CLB points, you also her higher Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) scores. Calculate your CRS scores here

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and Test d'Évaluation de Français (TEF) are two of the four commonly used language proficiency tests that the Canadian government recognizes. IELTS measures English language proficiency, while TEF measures French language proficiency. Both tests are used to determine an individual's language level according to the CLB. The results of these tests are often required for immigration purposes, educational institutions, and professional associations in Canada. These tests allow individuals ton demonstrate their language abilities to pursue their education, careers, or permanent residency in Canada.

Canada’s English Literacy Development Programs

Canada’s English Literacy Development Programs

English Literacy Development Programs in School

ELD, or English Language Development, programs are designed to help students learning English as an additional language. These programs focus on developing language skills such as speaking, listening, reading, and writing, to help students achieve proficiency in English.

For many immigrant children, ELD programs are essential for success in school. Without communicating effectively in English, these students may struggle to understand their teachers, complete assignments, and participate in classroom activities. ELD programs provide these students with the support they need to succeed academically and socially.

In addition to helping students develop language skills, ELD programs can also count towards a high school diploma. In many cases, students who successfully complete ELD courses may be eligible for credits towards graduation requirements.

ELD programs vary by school and district, but typically include a combination of classroom instruction, one-on-one support, and extra-curricular activities designed to build language skills and cultural understanding. For students who are new to Canada and the English language, ELD programs can be a lifeline, providing the tools and resources they need to succeed in their new home.

English Language Development For Adults

English is an important language for adults to learn, regardless of their age or background. Whether you are a recent immigrant or have been living in an English-speaking country for years, improving your English skills can help you in many areas of life, including education, employment, and socialization. Fortunately, many adult language training classes, including those at night, are available.

One adult language training option is attending classes in your local neighborhood. These classes are often led by passionate and dedicated teachers who are experienced in teaching English as a second language. They cater to learners at different levels, including beginners, intermediate, and advanced learners, and provide a structured and supportive environment for improving your English skills.

Another option is to look for free classes in your local community center. These classes are often offered to help immigrants and other non-native English speakers to improve their language skills, and may be taught by volunteers or paid instructors. While these classes may not be as structured as those in a formal language school, they can still be a great way to practice your English in a supportive and friendly environment.

Whether you attend a formal language school or a community center class, there are many benefits to improving your English skills as an adult. Not only can it help you in your career, but it can also make it easier to navigate everyday life in an English-speaking country.

How Can We Help You

How Can We Help You?

Conley University has developed an IELTS preparation course to enhance your IELTS score and primary language skills significantly. This course helps you achieve your best possible score on your chosen CLB test. It will also equip you with the necessary language abilities to function effectively in Canadian society, even when communicating with native English speakers.

If you want to enhance your language skills and achieve your desired IELTS score, Our Conley University IELTS preparation course is here to help. Learn more about our approach and how we can support you in achieving your language goals.


What if I Can’t Make Classes?

If you’re too busy during the day and need an alternative to face-to-face classes, you can always apply for online training. This means that you can study online and members of the Independent Learning Centre will mark your assignments.

Do I Need to Understand English to Move to Canada?

Yes, having a good understanding of English is essential if you plan to move to Canada. English is one of Canada's two official languages, along with French, and it is widely used in business, education, and everyday life.

If you cannot speak or understand English, communicating and integrating into Canadian society may be challenging. Moreover, most Canadian immigration programs require applicants to demonstrate proficiency in English through standardized language tests like IELTS or CELPIP.

Can Watching Canadian TV shows and Movies Help Improve English Language Skills?

Yes, watching Canadian TV shows and movies can effectively improve English language skills. This is because it provides a fun and engaging way to practice listening and comprehension skills while learning new vocabulary and colloquial expressions. Additionally, watching Canadian shows and movies can expose learners to Canadian culture and customs, which can help adjust to life in Canada.